Parenting 101

These pictures mean a great deal to me. Not so much because of photographic quality (even though I like the first two very much) or the subject (great tits – yes, that is their name, so get over it – are very common not just in all Czechia, but also in pretty much whole Europe, I reckon), but mostly because of the reason I was able to make them. Back in November 2019 I made my first bird house as a part of my woodworking hobby. Later I gave it to my parents for Christmas and this March me and my dad installed it outside. Soon enough the residence got its inhabitants: these two great tits which promptly started to build their nest and lay eggs. After a some time we could hear voices of their always hungry offspring. Yay!

Well, and than it started for these two. Literally hundreds of times each day they have to return home with something to feed their kids effectively regulating numbers of insects in their vicinity. By the way you can tell which one is male an which is female by looking at the black stripe on their bellies. Male’s stripe is wider and the female’s is thinner. Not a rocket science. It is a real joy to watch these birds to prosper in the house I built for them.

And now the really important part: you can do the same thing! Or at least put and maintain a feeder and water source for them at your garden or balcony. Not just great tits but all the birds around will surely appreciate it.

UPDATE: This season they were able to nest twice. The second batch of young tits left the nest last week!


Swallows in the city


Early bird gets the worm