
Every picture has a story behind it

Ever since the first digital camera entered the consumer’s market, photography ceased to be a matter of relatively few professionals or enthusiasts and quickly became a hobby for many.

Nowadays pretty much everybody has a camera in their phone and thus everyone is (or could be) a photographer. The whole internet and especially all the social media are therefore filled with a plethora of photographs of various genres, themes and quality.

However, they usually have one thing in common: the lack of context. Although a good picture should be able to tell some story itself, there are usually other interesting information that could be told about it. No matter whether it is a picture of a beautiful landscape, wild animal or busy city streets…

That is why I decided to take slightly different approach in presenting my pictures and tell not just the story in a picture itself but also a story of taking it. With each picture (or series of them) I’ll try to describe interesting aspects of its origin such as for instance location, subject/object or technique and so on... I will also try to address mistakes I made which is a very important part of getting better.

Even though my primary goal is not teaching beginner photographers, maybe some of these information could be useful for them. More experienced photographers might find some inspiration to visit new places.

This website is focused on my most favorite topics of photography: nature and animals. I am fascinated by nature around us and very grateful to be able to witness its wonders whenever I find an opportunity to escape my everyday life…

I would also like to point out, that I am not a professional photographer, but merely an avid amateur glad to share his photographic experience of “shooting the wild” with you.

18th June 2020

– Michal Hájek